To the D3, Inc. Family,

There is no mistaking the global challenge of this moment, the global spread of COVID-19 is affecting every one of us. During these unprecedented times, D3 remains hopeful as we continue to forge ahead with innovative designs for our clients around the country while being diligent in safeguarding what matters most, our family.

As of Monday, March 16th, we are practicing social distance and working remotely as a team, until we feel that it is safe to resume our normal in-office work schedule. We will continue to serve our existing projects and clients, as well as optimistically continue to pursue new opportunities. As always, we are just a phone call, text message, email, video chat, you get the idea, away…

Until then, we are doing our part step-by-step, to focus on what we can control while looking forward. Historically speaking, we will emerge on the other side of this moment stronger, wiser and more importantly, safer as a community.So, to every one of you, your family and friends, who are diligent in our joint efforts, thank you. To the heroic first responders, healthcare professionals, researchers, and public servants, who selflessly give every ounce of their being, we are forever in your debt and grateful for your sacrifice.See you in person before you know it!


Michael Epstein Principal - D3, Inc.

D3 COVID-19 - Updates

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